Know More About MBA in HR

Designed to train students to become excellent high-level-decision-makers with broad strategic vision. This full-time two year Programme views management as an integrated process and helps students develop a global view and respond effectively to changes in the economic, technological, cultural and political environments. Specific skills in areas such as Marketing, Finance and Human Resource Management lie at the heart of the course.
The degree in management at the Post-Graduate level has a two-tier structure: it consists of a core curriculum (compulsory credit courses), a summer internship (compulsory industry training between first and second year) and elective courses (optional courses in the second year).The first year is committed to developing business fundamentals through compulsory courses spanning the areas of economics, finance, marketing, operations, systems and organizational behaviour. The second year offers more number of the flexibility ensuring that a student never makes a compromise with his desired area of pursuit.

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Career prospects

MBA is a degree that prepares students to work in any business. The course aims to prepare managers and leaders of tomorrow.

Careers after MBA in HR

After getting an MBA in Human Resources, applicants can look for work as an HR executive in IT, FMCG, Manufacturing, and other similar industries. An HR professional is in charge of hiring, on boarding, training, and evaluating a company’s or organization’s employees.

People who fit the profile of an HR manager do things that have to do with the organization’s structure, goals, ethics, and overall employee engagement. With an HR-related MBA, one can start a career as either an HR Generalist or an HR Specialist.

Program Educational Objective

  • PEO 1: To develop students with proficiency in core business disciplines
  • PEO 2: To cultivate their analytical skills and foster innovative mind set
  • PEO 3: To inculcate the students with a global perspective and the competence to implement cutting edge technology in practice
  • PEO 4: To groom value-driven business leaders who exhibit a keen awareness of their social responsibility and professional ethics

Program Outcome

  • PO1 Knowledge of Business
  • PO2 Critical & Problem Solving Skills
  • PO3 Ethical orientation
  • PO4 Global perspective & Communication Skills
  • PO5 Leadership & Team Building Skills
  • PO6 Entrepreneurship Skills
  • PO7 Sustainability Perspective
  • PO8 Lifelong learning & Research Skills

Salient Features

The programs have been designed to develop young men and women into competent professional managers, capable of working in any sector of organized activity, proceeding leadership and achieving excellence in performance while contributing to the welfare of the larger society. The programme specifically attempts to:

  • Equip students with the required conceptual and interpersonal skills and sense of social purpose for managerial decision-making
  • Develop leadership capabilities to act as a change agents and be a source of motivation in the organisations they work in.
  • Nurture the desire to excel in performance without compromising integrity, honesty and fairness.
  • Our university is known for the depth and rigour of the programme. The curriculum is designed drawing synergy from best of the B-Schools across the globe and to be reviewed and revised periodically, in-order to remain relevant and contemporary.
  • The course affirms the institute’s ability to give graduates the highest level of personal development, career opportunities, career satisfaction and job preparedness. TNU stamp certifies knowledge, practical skills, and confidence.
  • Our students are equipped with a strong foundation in agribusiness management, rural development, supply chain, and sustainable practices, and they have hands-on experience working on industry projects, making them well-prepared to address the unique challenges and opportunities in the agribusiness and rural sectors.

Events and happenings

Visit to HUL C & FA Depot at Uluberia-MBA Sem 4 students

Presentation on Rural Society & Polity: MBA Sem-2 student

Addressing Students on job prospective initiated by Syngenta

7 days Field Immersion Programme at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Sonarpur

MBA Students, Batch 2023-25, Happy Meeting of Minds

MBA Students, Batch 2023-25, Happy Meeting of Minds

MBA Syllabus

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