Dr. Diwakar Kumar Singh
Assistant Professor
Dr. Singh has been teaching for more than a year and has more than 7 years of researchexperience in “Microbiology, Molecular Biology, and Immunology”. He has received aGATE fellowship for his M.Tech. in Biotechnology. He has received his Ph.D. inMicrobiology from CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute (CSIR-CDRI), Lucknow, andexamined the role of Ser/Thr protein kinaseJ in Mycobacteria survival in the host as aUGC/CSIR- JRF/SRF. He also served as a postdoctoral Research Associate at the Institute ofLife Science, Bhubaneswar, and received fellowships from different organizations viz, DBT,cCAMP, ICMR. He has 2 National, 12 International Publications, and 2 National patents tohis name. Besides that, he has attended 9 National Conferences and 11 InternationalConferences hosted by various organizations.