Dr. Prosun Tribedi
Associate Professor and Head of the Department
Dr. Tribedi is an Associate Professor and presently the Head (Acting) of the Department ofBiotechnology, The Neotia University. He has more than 8 years of teaching and 12 years ofresearch experiences in different fields of Life Sciences. He had successfully qualified theprestigious GATE and CSIR-NET (JRF) examinations in Life Sciences in 2008. He has beenawarded with the prestigious young scientist award from SERB, DST, Govt. of India. He hasbeen working on the exploration of strategies for the sustainable management of biofilmthreats using natural agents. One research scholar already got awarded with Ph.D. degreeunder his supervision. Besides, six research scholars have been pursuing their Ph.D. programunder his supervision. He has been able to record more than 50 publications in several peer-reviewed journals in his name. His research works have been acknowledged globally as thecitation index happens to be reasonably high. He has been found to be a member of the editorialboard of several eminent journals.