Research Lab

  • School of Life Sciences
  • School of Sciences and Technology
  • School of Pharmacy
  • School of Humanities, Management and Social Sciences

Research Lab

School of Life Sciences

Name of the Department Name of Research Lab Name of Major Equipment available No. of Major Equipment(s) available
Biotechnology Microbial Ecology Research Laboratory
Laminar Air Flow (LAF) (LTQ.SP.GR. 0.81 mm.wg) 1
BOD Shaker-Incubator (Multispan) 1
Freeze (LG, 180 Liter, Single Door) 2
Autoclave (Equitron) 1
Autoclave (Local brand) 1
pH meter (Global, digital, DPH 500) 1
Weighing balance (Wensar) 1
Vortex (Tarson) 1
Colorimeter (Systronics) 1
Magnetic stirrer (REMI 2MLH) 1
Micro Centrifuge (Remi RM12C) 1
Agarose Gel Electrophoretic apparatus 1
UV-Trans illuminator 1

School of Sciences and Technology

Name of the Department Name of Research Lab Name of Major Equipment available No. of Major Equipment(s) available
Physics Material Science Research Lab
Three Zone Tube Furnace 1
Vacuum drier/heater With Vacuum Pump 1
Hydraulic press 1
Analytical Balance 1
Agate mortar and pestle 2
Box / Chamber Furnace 1
Fume hood 1
Magnetic rotor with heater 1
Laboratory Centrifuge 1
Palletizer 2
Vacuum pump 1
Ultrasonic Cleaner With Heater thermostat 1

School of Pharmacy

Name of the Department Name of Research Lab Name of Major Equipment available No. of Major Equipment(s) available
Department of Pharmaceutics Pharmaceutics Lab
Digital pH Meter 1
Hot Air Oven, Thermostatic 1
Mechanical Stirrer 2
Ampoule Washing Machine 1
Ball Mill 1
Bulk Density Apparatus 1
Clarity Test Apparatus 1
Sieve Shaker Machine with Sieve 1
Tablet coating Machine 1
Mixer Grinder 1
Heating Mantle 1
Projection Microscope 1
Hot Air Tray Drier 1
Tincture Press 1
Rotary Shaker 1
Analytical Balance 1
Hot Plate 2
Magnetic Stirrer 2
BOD Incubator 1
Distillation Water Plant. 1
Aseptic Cabinet 1
Capsule Filling Machine 1
Double Cone Blender 1
Friability Test Apparatus 1
Ointment Filling Machine 1
Disintegration Test Apparatus 1
Tablet Punching Machine 1
Department of Pharmacology Pharmacology lab
Binocular Microscope 1
Centrifuge Machine 2
Digital Colony Counter 1
Digital Glucometer 1
Acetophoto-meter 1
Convulsio-meter 1
Histamine Chamber 1
Hutchison’s Spiro-meter 1
Lucas Moist Chamber 1
Spygmo manometer 2
Homogenizer(30ml) 1
Stage Micrometer 5
Levers (simple, Stirling, Frontal writing) 3
Sherrington’s Kymograph & Drum 2
Micropipette (100- 1000µl) 1
Organ Bath 3
Dissecting Microscope 2
Atibiotic Zone Reader 1
Autoclave 1
Aerator 5
Stimulator 2
Dissecting Tray 5
FOLIN-U Tube 5
Haemocytometer 5
Compound Microscope 12
Haemoglobinometer 2
Muscle electrode (Paired) 1
Camera Lucida- Prism type 5
Serological water bath 1
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Digital pH Meter 1
Hot Air Oven, Thermostatic 1
Mechanical Stirrer 1
Heating Mantle 1
Distillation Water Plant 1
Analytical Balance 1
Hot Plate 1
Magnetic Stirrer 1
Ultrasonic Cleaner 1
Pharmaceutical Analysis
Flame Photometer (single Channel) With Compressor 1
Conductivity Meter Digital 1
Nephlo Turbidity Meter 1
Potentiometer 1
Muffle Furnace 1
UV Fluorescence Cabinet 1
Polari-meter 1
Refracto-meter 1
Heating Mantle 1
Analytical Balance 2
Magnetic Stirrer 1
Photo electric colorimeter 1
Infrared Moisture Balance 1
Fluorimeter Digital 1

School of Humanities, Management and Social Sciences

Name of the Department Name of Research Lab Name of Major Equipment available No. of Major Equipment(s) available
Applied Psychology Applied Psychology Lab
Projective Test for measuring Personality 2
Paper-Pencil Test for measuring Personality 1
Paper-Pencil Test for measuring various psychological components Questionnaires with Norms Available
Test Material for measuring intelligence 1
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